Monday, November 21, 2022

EOTO Reflection Blog Post #6 'Facebook'

One of the presentations that stuck out to me the most was the Facebook presentation. I was unaware that Facebook was created by a group of Harvard students. It made me think about how these young adults were in college and they were thinking about an effective way they could make a webpage that everyone would want to interact with especially other college students. It was actually a genius idea. However, the one question that I would have is, how did Mark Zuckerberg end up taking over the company? 

Facebook is constantly updating to stay up to date with the times. As an app such as this one that is pivotal to its success. Especially because Facebook has been around so long, they have to try and bring in a new audience or Facebook will lose its customer base. It made me think about how we asked everyone in class the social media applications they use and Facebook did not have as many hands raised. This would make sense as to why they tried to rebrand as Meta. New name= New Client Base maybe?

I like how Tommy the presenter talked about the platform Facebook has provided its users such as, "opportunities to connect and communicate, share, find new opportunities, both personally and socially, as well as professionally, and consume both information and products." Facebook was one of the first apps that changed the way that we look at social media. Hopefully it'll stick around to influence generations for decades to come.

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