Sunday, December 4, 2022

"Living in the Age of AI"- Blog Post #9

Artificial intelligence seems pretty revolutionary. We used to watch movies that would try and predict what the twenty first century was going to be like, flying cars, robots that could help us out. All of this sounds cool right? Until you realize that Artificial Intelligence could become one of our worst nightmares we've ever invented. In 2016, in Souel, South Korea one of the first forms of AI was being put to the test. Google was behind a machine that would look to play against a human in a board game. This computer was able to teach itself through other board games and had the ability to create moves no human brain could even begin to fathom. 

Ultimately, the computer ended up outsmarting the human. However, this was just the beginning of what would come from this. Artificial Intelligence has the ability to be able to predict outcomes. In doing so it deepens inequality, challenges our Democracy and most importantly, changes the world. Hypothetically, if you were to give an application on your phone access to another application. The first party voluntarily gives all power to what the third party can do with your information. This is crazy to think about. When you sign up for applications like Twitter, you are agreeing whether you know or not to have some of your information used by third parties. The scary part to this is that you have no idea what these third party apps could be using your information for. 

The video also discussed the implications that Artificial intelligence could have on our democracy such as surveillance capitalism. A lot of experiences want to know what we are doing now, in the past, and in the future. Everything about your thoughts, desires, friends and family. Anything that can be used to predict potential future decisions. This could become a National Security concern, if we are a country that prides itself on the freedom of everyone. What would it look like if the world knew we were watching every little minute detail of every person we could?

For companies like Facebook and Google it is not what you post or what you post, it's about everything. From the shirt you where to if your hair is curly or straight. There are cookies within our phones and laptops collecting data on us. Micro based targeting to learn intimate details about users. This is then used as "Power", potentially by political parties to gain information specifically when it comes to voter behavior and patterns.Think of the cameras that watch you. The airport when you scan your passport can automatically detect your face just off of facial recognition. What are the bias' that come with Artificial Intelligence? There is so much to be discovered about this technology and that is the scary part.. 

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